Close but no (maybe some) cigars?


The recent interview of Karmeran Fally by Kerry Cassidy has set me thinking . kameranThis man is a deep thinker and he is very intelligent, maybe bordering on genius. His ideas come so close to linking it all up that they have become suspect, just because it all fits too well, like he found the intersect, the z pinch, that connect all the rabbit holes I’ve been down. (And just last night I was screaming to myself that I wished I could get it all to fit together!)

He starts out by illustrating how middle eastern politics directly derive from the Anunnaki invasion and how it all has evolved into what is happening today. (Think Jason Martell, Wednesday night and the Atri Hasis Epic.)jason It is what he calls the Old ‘Elam’ religion. The divisions of the Sufi’s Kurds, Muslim’s can be traced to geographical regions that are not the way the land is divided up today. (Think Tuesday night and Peter Levenda) And these all have a religious significance that westerners fail to notice. Elam is the whole of southern Iraq. The Prophesy of Elam is the Zionist story.

Then in the middle of the explanation Kerry asked him who started it and he began to explain this: Current factions – masonry – Illuminati – satanists – 9 families – old ET’s – The Patel when you look it up is only defined as the governor of a specific area that produces crops ( Think Gobekli Tepe and the known beginning of agriculture). His definition of Patel works out to be progenitor, or / the Source: the Bet Allah. The whole of creation is an answer to the question “If this happens, then what would take place?” All possibilities are then acted out. Which makes the human race an answer…

Amazingly he then links this to banking by illustrating how certain middle east countries are kept back from moving forward by how the world bank is controlling their money through credit procedures, which makes sense.hudes (Think Karen Hudes) Which brings us to the two Time Lines and how time is created from the future backwards….

This is done by using language by speaking immutable words dragonfly(Think Caret tech) that set up blocks/anchor points through which time lines must flow, like the Bible and the Koran. By so directing time lines you can force them through funnels or gates where major events are created that bring similar timelines close together. We just passed through a gate: 2012. It supposedly is impossible to see what lies beyond a gate until you pass through it, because during a gate transit many things can be changed or rearranged in the time lines. So, if you want a certain outcome in the future, you must ask the gods/source/(your preferred name) what pre-events need to be set up as anchor points to direct the time line in the direction you wish it to go and then endeavor to create these events. For the last 10, 000 years or so, somebody(s) has done this and we have reached the gate and are in it now and we shall see how it all plays out. He says that this is how time line 2 with the greys gets created.

He goes on to illustrate how the aliens fit into this equation, how Planet X has been planned for and when it will appear, which he puts as sometime in August 2016 and then says when we come out the other end, our planet will have rings to deal with the excess iron oxides that Planet X will throw off because it’s actually a brown dwarf. thunderbolts(Think EU Theory) ….THEN he goes on to talk about how our galaxy is actually a corrugated ring. Links that to the magnetic pole reversal and the intelligence of the sun and planets and how all the planets of the solar system are much more active than earth, because they are waiting for planet x to come by and shield us because we are on earth and she considers us and the life here as precious.

My point? There was very little he forgot to hook up from all of the theories floating around out there in ‘fringe land’ which makes me very suspicious because it all fit tooooooooooo well. It was Terrifying in its possibilities as well as settling because he gave a time line. It’s almost too good to be true…. All this morass of information all cohesively fitting together.  So, he’s a genius for making it fit all together and a great lot of it may be true, but all of it? Who knows?And then it all settled in and I thought,

” Waitaminit!”

Guess we’ll find out in a little over a year.

Some links Dan Burisch 1 Dan Burisch 2 Dan Burisch3 pole reversal pole reversal pole reversal solar system planetary changes please be sure to look at the links below this video.

5 thoughts on “Close but no (maybe some) cigars?”

  1. The one little problem I have with the PlanetX theory is that Jupiter was at one time, a brown dwarf before it got caught in the sun’s magnetic field. And turned off. So maybe we will not see a brown dwarf come through our system, because a millennia ago, in one of our world cycles, this already happened?


    1. Who really knows Alison. I’ve heard many different opinions about planet x. From does it really exist to benevolent ET’s changing its coarse away from us, Annunaki??? etc… Every body has their own take. What can we believe?
      I don’t believe that benevolent ET’s would allow the destruction of all the species of fauna and flora on our planet.


    2. I hate just believing anything….it feels like I’m handing my mind lock, stock, and barrel over to somebody… My comment is always, ” Oh yeah? Says who!” Lol. So I keep it open any collect ideas. I guess we’ll know as it progresses…. I am of the opinion that there are variables we know nothing about in this equation.

      Thanks for reading! 🙂


  2. Mr Fallys predictions run close to those of Zetatalk10. So I posted an email off to the. Asking their opinion. Well I was shocked by the reply. Not so much in what it said about he and Kerry, just the earth language they used!! Quote: He’s a bull shit disinformation artist, as is Project Camelot. They are tools of the establishment.” Unquote …..


  3. Me thinks the ‘website’ doth protesteth too much….
    I am suspect of a reaction that is so strongly over the top. Jus saying. Usually there is an unwillingness to accept, or look at what is said, or jealousy, or fear…. there is always an underlying cause, but only in my opinion. As I said in my article, I don’t think he got it all locked down either. Thank Goddess!!!!

    Thank you for reading! :))


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