How do you feel? and “Hold My Beer”…

At this time right now, on this planet, we are having so much information thrown at us – we are drowning in it. There is a need to connect dots to see how it all goes together and there is a need to discern the truth of it AND (most importantly) there is a need to be willing to walk the Edge of Madness – to be honest with yourself about HOW you are feeling about it after you begin to see the patterns of it.

The most powerful thing that can confuse or cloud (or should we say veil…) your understanding of all of it, is HOW IT MAKES YOU FEEL!

Many don’t want to actually see the entire impact of what is going on because the first question is “Well, WHAT the hell can I do about it?” and really most of us feel there is nothing we can do about it. This is a prime piece of programming. Which makes a lot of people want to buy an RV and pull up stakes and be ready to fly away if need be… But guess what? That just will not work. If even a third of what is out there as known fact is correct – we were in trouble over our heads before WW1. Notwithstanding the roles of good guys and bad guys and the blame game, we need another way to get around this particular veil.

So, the wonderful adage from Einstein comes to mind that: you can’t solve a problem at the level of thinking that it was created, is correct. However it’s not our thinking that we need to be concerned with, it’s the level of our consciousness. And it’s going to take everybody’s consciousness – not just you or me. I heard an interesting definition the other day about the difference between consciousness and sentience. Everything is sentient, it’s when you are aware of yourself and know yourself, as a being, that you are conscious.

Let’s take that a step further. I propose that ‘You can’t solve a problem at the level of consciousness that it was created at’, in other words, we have to be willing to risk knowing, thinking and being at that edge of madness – outside the societal norm – even what we consider safe personally, to be able to see the answers and solutions to what we are looking at today. Because consider, that the good stuff, the warm fuzzies live out there too – the real ones, not the fake platitudes, and to reach them we must be willing to step out of line.

To step out of line we must be willing to look at how this whole conundrum makes us feel. To do that we must feel it, and that is at the edge of madness. It’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach that says something is not right – that shiver that runs up your spine and makes all the hair on the back of your neck stand up, or that response of I’m too tired to look at all this and make any sense of it. When you hit that point, you have just struck gold.

That is the madness – because that is when you are smack up against the programming and the fear and the brick wall and the gd’d quantum fricking box. That is when, if you want to make any progress – see the real truth – you soldier on and take a good long look. It changes your consciousness – raises it because you now have another piece of knowing. Becoming awake and aware hurts like hell – like pulling teeth, but it’s just a shock, like jumping in a cold pool. After 60 seconds it feels pretty damned good.

As much as I don’t like a lot of the information I am understanding I do find I reach plateaus where all of a sudden so much more understanding opens up ahead of me and it feels Wow! I also know that after a time I will end up playing with the madness again, but I am not so afraid of it anymore – I just wish I could hurry up. We need to hurry up. The only way this current pickle we are all in can be solved is for us to reach a tipping point in the mass consciousness. We have already – all of us – gone so far, and done so much hard work and we must press on because there are many small steps that lead up to the big steps and we need that big step to survive as a race and we are almost there!!

So if you are confused, feeling like you don’t want to look at something the best thing to do is go straight into it and figure out why you feel the way you do – out of that will come all the wisdom you need to raise that frequency, and the more we do, of course, the easier it is for others to follow.


With that said – “Hold my beer!”

Have you wondered how they could possibly pull the earth through a dimensional doorway to a different timeline??? Well, Jump in the water is…interesting

CERN and gravity waves and time (because gravity and time are hooked)- maybe even time lines… I don’t care how crazy you think Anthony Patch might be, but he just may have found a very important connection between CERN and dwave quantum computers (regardless of the moniker he wants to hang on that) that actually compute in an alternate dimension, which in itself may be pulling energy into this dimension and could be responsible for the Mandela effect – or the skewing of our memories… who’s to say? If the information that is being generated at CERN, the ‘results’, are going out to a network of quantum computers all linked to ‘share’ said information, then that is a lot of energy and computing power going somewhere – it’s almost like an analog of the magnetic CERN but instead in electrons moving around in a dwave circle… What if it was a leaky system – it would almost have to be, energy would have to travel both ways dimensionally to prevent explosions on either end of said dimensions. So, in essence, we have a doorway/portal.

Then CERN generates a magnetic effect more powerful that the earth, every time it is turned on it alters our natural magnetic field.

All the magnets on the LHC are electromagnets. The main dipoles generate powerful 8.3 tesla magnetic fields – more than 100,000 times more powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field. The electromagnets use a current of 11,080 amperes to produce the field, and a superconducting coil allows the high currents to flow without losing any energy to electrical resistance   From <>


Then we have some French researchers that are beginning to think that electromagnetism and gravity interact:

Hidden extra dimensions are causing measurements of the strength of gravity at different locations on Earth to be affected by the planet’s magnetic field, French researchers say.

This is a controversial claim because no one has ever provided experimental evidence to support either the existence of extra dimensions or any interaction between gravity and electromagnetism. But lab measurements of Newton’s gravitational constant G suggest that both are real.

Newton’s constant, which describes the strength of the gravitational pull that bodies exert on each other, is the most poorly determined of the constants of nature. The two most accurate measurements have experimental errors of 1 part in 10,000, yet their values differ by 10 times that amount. So physicists are left with no idea of its absolute value.

Now Jean-Paul Mbelek and Marc Lachieze-Ray of the French Atomic Energy Commission near Paris say they can resolve the contradiction by taking into account the location of the labs where the experiments were carried out.

The pair suggest that electromagnetism and gravity influence one another enough for gravity’s pull to be noticeably affected by the Earth’s magnetic field

From <>


When you add the highly ionized ionosphere (from chemtrailing and HAARP) you now have an electro-gravitic system being run by a network of 160 quantum computers worldwide that use interdimensionality to compute….( Hook that up to the big gaming computers in Vegas and block chain too) and I’d say there is something going on…

Not the least of which is that there is the possibility of time and timelines being altered on a planetary scale.

